Fascinating. Well done.
until now, the watch tower society [wts] has argued that the 70 years was a period during which judah was totally and completely depopulated.
for this reason, it constantly argued that the period commenced when the jews left judah and entered egypt.
jerusalem was destroyed in the fifth month (two months before october/tishri).
Fascinating. Well done.
why do the 144,000 need sealing?.
what does it mean that the angels hold back the winds so that the sealing can take place?.
where is the great multitude?.
Thank you for your kind words. I sincerely hope that I inspire people to undertake their own study and come to their own conclusions - provided they are willing to adjust their understandings as they keep ever learning.
I do not want anyone to blindly accept what I or anyone else writes, but that each will take charge of their own thinking.
For the past 50 years, my intention has always been to sever the mental umbilical cord that connects the Watch Tower Society with people's minds, and to help people to set themselves free.
why do the 144,000 need sealing?.
what does it mean that the angels hold back the winds so that the sealing can take place?.
where is the great multitude?.
My take on John is that he has a Jewish background, or is at least highly tolerant of Jews. He is well versed in the Hebrew Scriptures; with every verse either quoting or alluding to them (not that there was a Hebrew Canon at the time). When he says the 144,000 are from the Hebrew tribes/families, I believe that is precisely what he means. If the 144,000 were literal - as the WTS says - then its composition is literal.
I see the writer as a mysoginist - his women are harlots and "Jezebel" while the 144,000 are not "defiled" with women. He is not a balanced individual.
The Watch Tower says of the 144,000 that they are neither men nor women:
"These all must receive a change of nature at their resurrection, being made partakers together of 'divine nature,' in which state none will be women, for there is no female sex among spirit creatures." (Insight on the Scriptures, Vol. 2, page, art. “Women”)
So they become gods, partakers of the divine nature.
We do not know who the writer was. The book was one of many apocalypses written at the time and it had great trouble being accepted by the church as Scripture.
It is a dangerous book to base one's beliefs on.
If you have the opportunity, read: "A History of the End of the World: How the Most Controversial Book in the Bible Changed the Course of Western Civilization", by Jonathan Kirsch
why do the 144,000 need sealing?.
what does it mean that the angels hold back the winds so that the sealing can take place?.
where is the great multitude?.
Why do the 144,000 need sealing?
What does it mean that the angels hold back the winds so that the sealing can take place?
Where is the Great Multitude?
does anyone remember this classic quote from a society publication??.
i remember it has been quoted many times, but i cant find the reference.. if this comment is to be taken literally, it condemns the organization anytime there has been a complete changes in teachings and doctrine!
Whether they express themselve explicitly about "new light" or not, the proof is in their actions right to the present day.
Will they get "new light" about "new light"?
does anyone remember this classic quote from a society publication??.
i remember it has been quoted many times, but i cant find the reference.. if this comment is to be taken literally, it condemns the organization anytime there has been a complete changes in teachings and doctrine!
Mad Irishman,
know they are telling the truth because they have to keep correcting themselves. As they say:
“Some have called Jehovah’s witnesses ‘false prophets’ because, in times past, they have viewed things a certain way and, later, have made a change through their official publications. Or, there may have been practices by some members in the organization that have been permitted to continue for a time for lack of knowledge as to how to handle these things, but later they have learned from God’s Word what his will is and have gone ahead and made the necessary corrections. False prophets do not correct themselves” (The Watchtower, June 1, 1967, page 331)
there are plenty of scriptures pointing to the idea that the end was near according to the scriptures way back then.
example at act chapter 2 peter states were in the last days, at 1john chapter 2 in the last hour.
jesus stated he would be back before some of that generation died and of course the famous quote 'this generation'.
“As a work of prophecy, of course, Revelation is wholly and self-evidently wrong. ‘How long, O Lord, holy and true, until you judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?’ demands the biblical author, quoting the souls of the dead martyrs, and he answers his own question by attributing an unambiguous promise to Jesus Christ: ‘Behold, I am coming soon.’ (Rev. 6:10-11, 3:11, RSV) Those words were first reduced to writing nearly two thousand years ago, but the readers of Revelation are still waiting for the day of revenge that is predicted with such clarity and confidence in the ancient text.
“The author of Revelation is not the only figure in Christian scriptures whose prediction of the end-times was mistaken. Jesus, according to some awkward sayings attributed to him in the Gospels, assures his followers that at least some of them will see the end of the world with their own eyes. The apostle Paul, in turn, offered the same assurance to his generation of Christians. Both Jesus and Paul were gone by the time the author of Revelation set down his vision of ‘things which must shortly come to pass.’ (Rev. 1:1, KJV) All of them turned out to be dead wrong, and the world is still here. …
“More than a few readers of Revelation in every age, including our own, have thrilled at the idea that the end is near. Indeed, they are perfectly willing to overlook the plain fact that the world has not ended as predicted, and they persist in poring over the text of Revelation in a fresh attempt to figure out the precise date when it will. They have always been wrong, too, of course, but nothing has discouraged the so-called date setters who study the text, crunch the numbers, and come up with dates when the world must end. Not a single century has passed since the ink dried on the first copy of Revelation without some new prediction of the precise date when its prophecies will finally come to pass.” (“A History of the End of the World”, pages 13-14, Jonathan Kirsch)
until now, the watch tower society [wts] has argued that the 70 years was a period during which judah was totally and completely depopulated.
for this reason, it constantly argued that the period commenced when the jews left judah and entered egypt.
jerusalem was destroyed in the fifth month (two months before october/tishri).
They know they are telling the truth because they have to keep correcting themselves:
“Some have called Jehovah’s witnesses ‘false prophets’ because, in times past, they have viewed things a certain way and, later, have made a change through their official publications. Or, there may have been practices by some members in the organization that have been permitted to continue for a time for lack of knowledge as to how to handle these things, but later they have learned from God’s Word what his will is and have gone ahead and made the necessary corrections. False prophets do not correct themselves” (The Watchtower, June 1, 1967, page 331)
until now, the watch tower society [wts] has argued that the 70 years was a period during which judah was totally and completely depopulated.
for this reason, it constantly argued that the period commenced when the jews left judah and entered egypt.
jerusalem was destroyed in the fifth month (two months before october/tishri).
You cannot imagine the smile you put on my face with your observation that WW1 started two months early. Maybe some can suggest here for the lurking Bethelites how to incorporate that fact.
At the moment, the WTS ends its "70 years" when Jews assembled at the temple site in the 7th month. Then they travel back over a period when they demand that Judah was totally depopulated. Using their hoped-for year of 537 they go back to the 7th month, when Jews left Judah and entered Egypt (not serving Babylon).
So, what criteria would they be prepared to drop to land on August 1, 1914?
In passing, I would add that while up to now they have waited until the land was (apparently) depopulated before starting their "70 years", the WTS is quite prepared to allow the returning exiles to be settled in their homes and then walk to Jerusalem before ending this period of "depopulation".
So, hopefully some can give the Writing thinktank a leg-up and solve this dilemma for them.
Or they could drop WW1 altogether, accept 587 and land on some part of their history when Rutherford made an announcement or released a book.
This should not be difficult since Jesus only told his disciples to watch out for deceivers and not be distracted at the stories of wars and so on they were hearing. He never mention whether the wars would be large or small, and so on.
Maybe I should stop trying to rescue them from their quicksand.
until now, the watch tower society [wts] has argued that the 70 years was a period during which judah was totally and completely depopulated.
for this reason, it constantly argued that the period commenced when the jews left judah and entered egypt.
jerusalem was destroyed in the fifth month (two months before october/tishri).
In reading "Millennial Dawn" (which "dawned" in the 1870s) and the renamed "Studies in the Scriptures", be very aware of which printing you are reading.
For example, page 342 of Volume 3 (1902 edition) says gives the dimension as "3416 inches" (whatever a "pyramid inch" is) whereas the later 1924 edition has stretched the pyramid (in the sun?) to "3457 inches".
In the earlier version, Russell wrote: "1874 was the chronological beginning of the time of trouble" whereas the later editions changed this to: "1914 will be the beginning of the time of trouble".
I reproduce these pages and others at:
My statement regarding Russell's dual "fulfilments" of 1914 (re Leviticus 26 and Daniel 4) refer to his article in 1876. See: